It Makes One Think
~Robert Siegel He had a fit—tore the lion limb from limb and killed thirty Philistines over a party joke. When a girl he hated was taken from him, he burnt their crops up: a sour, ill-tempered bloke. When they came after him, he smote them hip and thigh; when captured, escaped, grabbing the jaw of an ass, and killed thousands more. But soon he cast an eye again on a Philistine woman, who brought him to this pass: Delilah (clever, and needing to play both sides to save her skin, no doubt), agreed to trick him into revealing the secret of his strength: unwise, though suspicious at first, he proved an easy victim (not the last) of feminine wiles. Whatever we think of these, weak and blind he pulled the house down on Israel’s enemies. ~~~~~ Next: Sheba |